Sunday, August 24, 2008

health update

So here is the short version...

They still not really know what wrong. I am still in some pain but not nearly as bad of pain from the other day.
Pain is worst in morning and after I eat. So long as I not move to quick it usually is ok durring the day.
Still have limited appetite and get nasueated easily.

Had an interesting convo with ultrasound tech.... she didnt really tell me much other than that she went "uh huh..." when I asked what that was about all I was told was that she doesnt do the diagnosing just takes the pics... I hate when they do that obviously they saw something. If they not going to tell at least turn the screan so I can see for myself.

So now I get to call my dr on Mon am after 8 to try to get in for follow up and results. All this on the same day as the 1st day of classes.

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